Air for the Earth, a new era for greenhouses.

Manufacturer of dehumidifiers for all greenhouse and indoor crops.

Discover AirGaïa technology, an innovative advancement in air treatment systems designed to boost sustainable agriculture, reduce energy costs, and promote disease-free and pesticide-free cultivation.

sival 2023 fond transparent
Conçu et assembler u en France par Airgaia
Economie d’énergie

Energy savings

Offre personnalisée

Customized offer

Régulation de la température et de l’humidité

Temperature and humidity control

Efficacité énergétique

Energy efficiency



Respect des contraintes agronomiques

Compliance with agronomic requirements

AirGaïa is committed

Dehumidifying cold greenhouses

Unheated greenhouses are a response to current energy and climate challenges. Their internal climate variations can weaken crops. It is AirGaïa’s role to maintain an optimal humidity level!

Reduce the energy consumption of heated greenhouses

AirGaïa’s active dehumidification helps maintain a closed greenhouse, thus saving heating energy lost during ventilation. AirGaïa conducts a specific study for each project to determine the annual energy savings.


Grow without disease and without pesticides

Air that is too humid or too dry promotes the development of fungal diseases. In a humid greenhouse, there is a high probability of water droplets on the foliage and fruits, which then become the site for the appearance of spots and diseases.


Complete management of temperature and humidity

In addition to maintaining humidity within the proper range, AirGaïa systems can manage their airflow temperature and the amount of heat supplied to the greenhouse.

They trust us

Discover how AirGaïa has improved their crops

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